Car rental companies made an art on low advertised price scams. Renting a car can be truly stack of additional fees. You could be charged on local sales tax, registration charge and some other charges associated with the car rentals.
You can avoid these dangers if it is planned ahead. Planning to rent a car might look a burden but it will worth at the end. For the example, you might seem later that booking the smallest car was not a good decision. Sometime, the rent of a midsized or big car is cheaper than a compact car.
Shopping Online
When it is about renting a car, it is better to book it online. Because in online booking you can compare the market price of renting car. And you know better to have the best deal, comparison is the best way. You can use travel site to compare or simply Google “Cheap car rentals”. From the hundreds of option you can forgo the comparison.
Ignore the Big Ones
You cannot recognize whether a company is independent. Most of agencies are actually part of a larger company or group. They have a great price distinction depending upon the brand. But at the peak seasons, the prices do not differ much. Do not hesitate to look into the smaller car rental agencies. Because, local car rental agencies can save your pocket without even compromising the quality and service.
Skip the Airport
You can have a great redemption, perhaps to the extent of a 50 percent. Go for renting a car in the downtown or suburban locations. Skip the Airport locations, because in airport location no one can offer you a car in lower price.
If you can manage to avail yourself a train ride or cab trip to the hotel. It is better for you to skip on-airport queues and all the chaos.
If you pick up the car from an Off-airport location and drop it off in airport location, it can save money drastically.
Payment Options
To avoid the complexity during payment, you must be aware of payment option one company offers. Most of the car rental company asks for a credit card whiles you renting car. The debit card option and cash payment option may come with various terms and conditions. Check if the car rental company allows no cash deposit or car rental no credit check deal. If you find one company is not suitable for you as their terms and conditions are little hazy, skip it. You can find one who let you rent car with debit card while conducting no credit check.
Perfect Timing
Car rental rate at weekend are cheaper, but you can also book a car by weakly rate. You need to be sure about the policy of returning car in the mid-way of your trip. You may be charged for an extra day if you return the car some hour late regarding the drop-off time. Again, some companies offer a grace at returning car on few hours late.